You won�t like to go out with a power bank as bulky as a brick. We�ve developed the smallest power bank that is only half the normal size of a bank card, so you can easily put it in your pocket.
If you have ever be anxious about sudden power off during an online business negotiation, our 10,000 mA portable power bank can solve your problem with its capacity to fully charge iPhone 8 for 5 times.
Of course, you would not want it to charge at a snail�s space. We adopt QC 2.0 quick charge technology that can reach total output up to 3A, you can fully charge your phone in less than 30 minutes. It can support 2 USB output at a time, accessible to lightning, micro and Type-C interface.
In spite of its superior functionality, the alumina-made, mirror-effect shell is high-end, fashionable, and perfect to use as a mirror. And the intellectual digital volume display can reach 1% accuracy.